Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Grafica Fildalga Letterpress
Mike emailed me this video about a letterpress shop in Brazil. I watched it at 6:30 in the morning.--what a nice way to start the day. I just love this video! It's wonderful how they love what they do! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI5RekPMh_c&feature=email
Book Arts Call for Entries
The Kalamazoo Book Arts Center (KBAC) announces a call to artists for the non-juried exhibition “The Illustrated Accordion,” which will be held in the KBAC Gallery, April 2–30, 2010. Open to all emerging and established artists, this 2nd annual exhibition focuses on books created in the accordion form. All media, variations, and interpretations of this style of book will be accepted and included in the exhibition. There is no charge to participate. For more details click on Call for Entry.