The book was just released in June and features contemporary collage work from approximately 40 artists from all over the world. The book was curated by Randel Plowman. Some of you may know his fabulous work through his Collage A Day Blog.
The thing I really like about this book is the diversity of artists and artwork. It is not a techniques book--it is just sumptuous visual buffet of collages! I found it interesting to see a number of guys in the book. I am totally making a sweeping generalization but I find it interesting that most of the guy collages are very "active". I don't know 99% of the other artists in the book but it was wonderful to be included. Here are some pics I really liked in the book.

In conjunction with the book, an exhibition "Lost and Found: The Art of Collage" will be at Northern Kentucky University Galleries in the Main Galley from August 23 to September 24th. It should be a fabulous exhibition!